Nikolas Beutin

Prof. Dr. Nikolas Beutin hat mehr als 25 Jahre Erfahrung als CEO, Geschäftsführer, Präsident, Eigentümer und Praxisgruppenleiter beim Aufbau und der Führung von professionellen Beratungsunternehmen. Er berät Unternehmen in den Bereichen Go-to-Market und Wachstumsstrategie, Preisgestaltung, Vertrieb, Service, Marketing, Supply Chain Management, Logistik und Innovation, ist zudem Inhaber einer Professur an der Quadriga Universität.

Title in brief:

Metaverse, Non-Fungible Token (NFT), cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and related topics such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and service robots have been a rapidly growing field for years with an ever-increasing number of terms and community-specific jargons. This book aims to contribute to general term clarification and education, as well as provide quick access to all important terms.

The book is also published in German under the title:
DAS GROSSE WEB 3.0. LEXIKON | ISBN: 978-3-8005-1856-2

Metaverse, non-fungible token (NFT), cryptocurrencies, blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), service robots etc. are a rapidly expanding field with an ever-intcreasing number of terms and community-specific jargon. A new term is not always accompanied by something truly novel. In addition to verbal „pseudo-innuendos“ and „crypto-slang“ introduced with the intent of attracting attention quickly, there are several significant new developments. The issue with this development is that the risk of „Babylonian language confusion“ is growing exponentially. Our observations indicate that this risk is particularly prevalent in the dialogue between science and practice. This book hopes to contribute to the clarification with quick access to all key terms. Obviously, many online marketplaces, platforms, encyclopedias, and glossaries already exist. However, our pre-book analysis has revealed that neither is even close to completion, sometimes with imprecise language and often with contradictory definitions and explanations.This glossary provides quick access for managers, students, and professors alike who are faced with the topics in their daily work. Students may keep track of the web 3.0‘s numerous terms as they study it. Instructors, teachers, and professors may use it as a guide for a consistent use of Metaverse, NFT, Cryptocurrency, and Blockchain terminology. Although, the more than 1,300 explanations of the individual terms are scientifically based, the focus is on easy understanding of the terms. The authors have made an effort to provide clear and concise definitions, an application-focused perspective, and simple language.The book will  be also published in German under the title: DAS GROSSE WEB 3.0. LEXIKON | ISBN: 978-3-8005-1856-2
